Shooting Sports Committee
Several scouters/volunteers have been researching ways to help the Shooting Sports Program for the Istrouma Area Council. A Council Shooting Sports Committee has been formed under the Council’s Camping Committee. This committee is responsible for working to make certain that all rules and regulations regarding shooting sports within the Council are followed. If you have questions with regards to anything to do with shooting sports, including the pursuit of grants and equipment, please contact Mike Falcon, Shooting Sports Chairman.
Attention All Shooting Sports Enthusiasts
Are you an NRA certified Rifle, Shotgun, Pistol, or Muzzleloader Instructor? Are you an NRA certified RSO (Range Safety Officer) or BSA certified BB Gun Range Master? Are you an Archery Instructor? Then help us make Shooting Sports more exciting, fun, and more available for our scouts!
The IAC Shooting Sports committee is developing a list of certified volunteers to become part of the IAC Shooting Sports program. The Shooting Sports Committee is in the process of expanding shooting sports opportunities for all members of the Istrouma Area Council. If you would like to become part of the newly developed IAC Shooting Sports program, please contact Mike Falcon (aka Shaggy) at (225) 229-8803 or via e-mail at
Do you want to be part of the shooting sports program but don’t hold any certifications? Not a problem, as we will be offering many training opportunities for those that would like to participate in this exciting program. Contact the Shooting Sports committee to get involved.