NB Scout Skills with Webelos and AOLs

Scout Skills Weekend is designed to give Webelos and Arrow of Light Scouts (W/AoL Scouts) and their parents a
small preview of the Scouts BSA experience. The program reinforces Scouting values, procedures, methods,
and skills. It is an introduction to Scouts BSA being a “youth led” program versus the “adult led” program used
in Cub Scouts. This is an excellent opportunity to help inspire W/AoL Scouts to cross over to a Troop.

There will be Five Main Events:

  • Outdoor/Open Fire Cooking
  • Canoeing/Sail Boating
  • Shooting Sports
  • Pioneering
  • Patrol Campsite Setup

The Canoeing/Sail Boating Event will involve a boating activity (weather permitting) however, Scouts are not required to be classified as a swimmer to participate.

Scouts should not have electronic devices at Scout Skills. No electronic devices may be used in the competitions and using an electronic device will result in zero points for the Patrol at that event.

Venturers, Explorers, and Sea Scouts under the age of 18 are welcome to participate in all activities.

Some bathroom facilities will be designated “Female Only”.

Troop campsite designations will be determined and distributed via email to the Scoutmasters and Committee Chair for the Troops and Den Leaders and Cubmasters for the packs on October 5, 2023.

Camp Rules and Regulations:

  • Fires can only be built in fire rings in your own campsites. Campfires MUST be monitored at all times.
  • If there is a fire ban, that means no fires.
  • Do not cut live trees.
  • Do not dig anywhere.
  • Camp is quiet after taps. No noise, minimal movement around camp.
  • Minimize any motorized vehicle use.
  • All BSA policies are followed.

Campfire Skits:

Anyone wishing to have a skit during the Campfire must sign up no later than the end of lunch on Saturday with Troop 100.  Skit sign up can be done at the Friday night SPL meeting or up to the Saturday Night Flag Ceremony. 

Campsite Assignments:

Campsite assignments will be determined and distributed by October 5, 2023 via email.

Registration Information:

Registration is by Unit (Troop, Ship, or Crew) only. No Individual Registration.

Each unit will use online registration with registration closing on October 1, 2023 at 11:59 pm.  Upon completion of the online registration, online payment will be required in the form of a credit card payment or an electronic check.  Please use the event registration on the Council website: https://www.iacbsa.org/SCOUTSKILL_23


  • SCOUTS BSA Fees are $20/Scout and $10/Adults. 
  • WEBELOS/AOL Fees are $5/Scout and $5/Adult.
  • Each paying Scout and Scouter will receive a 2023 Scout Skills Patch.

Late Registration will starts on September 30, 2023.  Registeration was extended and will now close at 11:59 pm, October 4, 2023. There is a Late Fee of $10/person.

This opportunity is available to all Districts in the Istrouma Area Council.

Health Forms:

All adults and youth attending must have a current Annual Health and Medical Record Parts A & B. This is necessary to document the current health status and medications, if any, that the Scout or Scouter is taking.   

 Annual Health and Medical Record

File Name Description
2023 NB Scout Skills Leaders Guide Download
2023 NB Scout Skills Schedule Download
BSA Pre-Event Medical Screening Checklist - Fillable Update 3/2022; Posted 9/2022 Download
Council Refund Policy Download
Scout Skills Activities Map Download