Program Planning for November 2024

Things to Remember This Month:

  • On November 11th, we will be honoring the service and sacrifice of our military veterans on Veteran’s Day. This day is a solemn occasion to express our gratitude to those who have served in the United States Armed Forces. Let us remember their courage and dedication as we commemorate this important date.
  • The Istrouma Area Council Office is closed the week of November 25-29, 2024 for the Thanksgiving holiday.
  • The Baton Rouge Scout Shop is closed on Thursday and Friday (November 28-29, 2024) to commemorate the Thanksgiving holiday.
  • Get a head start on your planning for Scout Sabbath and Scout Sunday activities in February.
  • Units find the appointment of a dedicated Webelos-to-Scout Transition Chair is instrumental in facilitating a seamless progression from the Cub Scouts to the Scouts BSA program, ensuring that our young scouts continue their journey with confidence and enthusiasm.

November Council Events

Winter Camp 2024

November 22-26

Embark on a thrilling journey with Winter Camp, a four-day adventure preceding the Thanksgiving festivities, where joy intertwines with merit badges, and bonds of friendship are forged under the watchful eyes of our devoted Camp Staff!


IAC Range Master Training

November 2

Certification qualifies you to run a BB Gun/Archery Range for Cubs at District or Council events and Holiday Camps. This training also qualifies you to run an Archery, Tomahawk, and Knife Throwing Range for Boy Scouts and Venturers for day or weekend events/campouts.


Scouts BSA Leader Specific Training

November 6

Join us for leader specific training for Scout Master, Committee Member, and Committee Chair training. Every scout merits the guidance of a well-prepared leader. Seize this opportunity to refine your skills and make a significant impact in your role.


OA Fall/ASR Service Day

November 2

Istrouma Area Council and Quinipissa Lodge would like you to join us as we participate in a couple of Beautification Projects at Camp Avondale. .


Popcorn - Take Order Distribution and Full Payment

November 8

Show up at the distribution center to pick up the Take Order popcorn ordered by your unit.



Eagle Shootout Golf Tournament

November 11

Double down on your dedication to our area’s youth. All proceeds benefit local scouting activities.


Northshore District Roundtable

November 14

Monthly program offered by Northshore District that gives leaders hands-on experience and provides a forum for leaders to offer and receive help from their fellow Scouters.



Enter Scout Prizes

November 15

Last day to enter prizes for your scouts that participated in popcorn sales



November 16

ALL Scouts (Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, and Sea Scouting/ Venturing programs) along with NOVA Counselors are welcome to join us monthly, as you can.



Top Popcorn Sellers

November 16

Popcorn Powerhouses: Celebrating the Top 8 Cub Scouts & Top 8 Scouts BSA Popcorn Champions!


Central, Southern, and Western District Roundtable

November 21

Monthly program offered by Central, Southern and Western District that gives leaders hands-on experience and provides a forum for leaders to offer and receive help from their fellow Scouters.


LSU Scout Day!

November 23

Join us for an unforgettable 2024 Scout Day in Tiger Stadium!



Alabama @ LSU

November 9

This fundraising opportunity is open to all Scouts BSA, Venturers, Explorers and their leaders and parents.


Vanderbilt @ LSU

November 23

This fundraising opportunity is open to all Scouts BSA, Venturers, Explorers and their leaders and parents.



Oklahoma @ LSU

November 30

This fundraising opportunity is open to all Scouts BSA, Venturers, Explorers and their leaders and parents.




November Planning Items

Other Notable Activities

  • LSU vs Florida - November 16

“Streamlined” Plans for “Required” Cub Adventures

Part of the Council Cub Advancement page resources are simpler “streamlined” plans for most “required” adventures derived from the Den Leader Guide Plan, but made simpler and easier to use.  One key improvement: Streamlined Adventure Plans provide prompts for parent leadership of parts of an activity – light work for many hands, sliced and diced and ready to roll, because Parents have the Power! In the Rank by Rank pages, you’ll find these in the Adventure by Adventure pages for Tiger through Webelos.  Check out the Cub Scout Advance leveraged from the Atlanta Area Council.

Scout/Scouter Membership Renewal

Every Scout/Scouter must renew with the Boy Scouts of America annually. We are now in the beginning period of membership renewals from those that signed up last year as part of the new 12-month membership outside of the old recharter process. Key 3 leadership can review the list of members due to renew by logging into your account and then follow the directions in the "Unit Pay for Member Renewal" below. Volunteers/parents should also receive an email to renew at>my application>my renewal. Please see the "Infographic Membership Renewal" and communicate with your unit to renew.

Important Note: Adult members’ Youth Protection Training (YPT) must be valid past the expiration date. The system will allow members to go through the renewal process and pay the fees, but the membership will not renew if YPT is not valid at the start of the new membership period. If you have any questions, please contact your District Executive or Margaret Brown @ 225-926-2697.

Crossover is Coming – Have Arrow of Light Den Activities With Troops

One of the goals of the Fifth Grade Arrow of Light advancement program is to prepare Scouts for their transition into Scouts BSA. Packs and troops should work together to ensure that every Arrow of Light Scout has the opportunity to join a troop. Troops can provide opportunities for 4th and 5th Grade Scouts and their parents to become familiar with their program through special open houses and outdoor activities – many troops will hold more than one outdoor event with a pack. Those dens may also have the opportunity to observe troops in action at district events like a “Webelos Woods” campout.  The cooperative effort of Troop and Pack gives 4th and 5th Grade Scouts and their families an awareness of the troop program, troop leadership and advancement opportunities. Check out the Scouts BSA Recruiting leveraged from the Atlanta Area Council.

File Name Description
Infographic Membership Renewal Download
Unit Pay for Member Renewal Download